Design Team

{Alissa} Trowbridge
Design Team Coordinator

My name is Alissa Trowbridge and I currently live in the Memphis, Tennessee area. I’m married to my college sweetheart who knows he can usually find me creating in my “office!”

 I’ve been scrapbooking and paper crafting for over 11 years. In addition to my roles at Back Porch Memories, I teach classes at my local scrapbook store and have taught in other cities and at industry trade shows throughout the years. I’ve also proudly served on a variety of manufacturer design teams.

While I love scrapping, I’m also quite taken with card making and altering. I’ve been fortunate to have many of my cards and projects published in Paper Crafts, Card Maker, Scrapbook & Cards Today, various special edition card making magazines and industry publications.

 Back Porch Memories has been my primary “home” since I joined the team in early 2007. I’m honored to be a part of such a loyal, passionate and creative team. I love sharing my designs with all of you and creating with the incredible kits Paula offers!

{Danielle} Calhoun

I'm Danielle, and I live with my husband of 13 years & our 3 girls. We reside in the Seattle area and love to travel.  I have been scrapbooking for 14 years now.  There are so many things I love about this hobby.  Just to name a few, I love the outlet it gives me to be creative, and I love the memories I am making for my girls.  I also love the people that I have met through this hobby.  I have really enjoyed my years as a member of the design team here at Back Porch Memories, and look forward to the years to come. 


{Margy} Eastman

Hello from the Frozen Tundra!  I live just outside Fairbanks, Alaska
with my husband Brian since 2004 and my little boy Jack born in
2005.  I am a full time working mom who used to quilt...until I found patterned paper!

I started scrapbooking in 2007.  I needed a creative outlet and didn’t have the room to do much crafting at all. I picked up an issue of Creating Keepsakes and gave it a try. Not only did a find a way to use the other side of my brain, scrapping helped me get my digital photos and stories off the laptop and out into the open for everyone to enjoy.  

I’m a pretty simple scrapper, but I do enjoy getting my “paint” on now and then. I sew on my layouts a lot…thanks 4-H!  I tend toward the 8.5 x 11 but sometimes get crazy with a nice square foot of paper.  How lucky am I to live in the same town as Paula’s shop? She’s kept my habit going for years.

Our home is pretty busy, so I have lots to scrap about. I’m a veterinarian in a small animal practice, so we naturally have a schwak of pets.  Three dogs and two cats fill our home with love and loose fur. Our sweet lab (my first born) is a search dog, and the youngster and I compete in agility. My husband’s game is hockey, and Jack is quite a slugger and Lego architect.

I’ve loved Paula’s kits for some time, and I’m so grateful to be a member of BPM’s design team.  Happy Scrapping!

{Danielle} Price

My name is Danielle Price and I am so excited to be part of the Backporch Memories Design Team. I was born and raised in Rexburg, Idaho and keep moving further from home as the years go by. I always say I was a city girl born in the country. Now we live in a big city, Atlanta, Georgia. It's gorgeous!

I have a wonderful, patient husband who supports my scrapbooking addiction and five amazing kids who put up with the constant photos. I also have a dog who will not hold still for a decent photo to save her life.

 I started scrapbooking about 13 years ago when a friend took me to a class. I sat there thinking, “Why would anyone want to trim around your photos with funky scissors?” But I tried it and was instantly hooked. I love anything to do with paper and glue. A few years back, I had the amazing experience of teaching and working at a local scrapbook store. It was such a joy. Now I am designing for this amazing site and can't be happier.

 When I am not scrapbooking, I am fulfilling many other roles—personal chef, taxi-driver, nurse, psychiatrist, homework supervisor, cleaning lady and dog walker. And when I am done with all that, I love to read and sew and am a tv addict. And sometimes I sleep!!

{Karry} Weaver

Hello!  My name is Karry Weaver.  I am from Bowersville, Georgia.  That’s a tiny, tiny town about 100 miles northeast of Atlanta.  My husband, Michael and I have 4 kids, our only boy, Justin is 21 and my girls, Chris, Taylor and Chloe are 16, 10 and 6.  They keep me busy with plenty of things to scrap about.  I started scrapping about 5 years ago.  It all started with a sale on paper that was just too cute to resist…I had NO idea what I was getting into! *lol* Now, I am completely addicted to both scrapbooking and photography, I just can’t get enough of either one! 

Aside from scrapbooking, I am blessed that my whole family loves anything that gets us outside.  We love camping, hiking, kayaking, and riding the 4 wheelers.  Summer is my favorite time of year!  I also work full time as a secretary in a small insurance office.  I’ve worked here for 7 years and I just love my job.  


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