/************************* Coppermine Photo Gallery ************************ Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Coppermine Dev Team v1.1 originally written by Gregory DEMAR This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ******************************************** Coppermine version: 1.4.2 $Source: /cvsroot/coppermine/devel/bridge/mybb.inc.php,v $ $Revision: 1.3 $ $Author: gaugau $ $Date: 2005/10/25 01:16:09 $ **********************************************/ if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) die('Not in Coppermine...'); // Switch that allows overriding the bridge manager with hard-coded values define('USE_BRIDGEMGR', 1); require 'bridge/udb_base.inc.php'; class cpg_udb extends core_udb { function cpg_udb() { global $BRIDGE; if (!USE_BRIDGEMGR) { // the vars that are used when bridgemgr is disabled // URL of your punbb $this->boardurl = 'http://localhost/mybb'; // local path to your punbb config file require_once('../mybb/inc/config.php'); $this->use_post_based_groups = 1; } else { // the vars from the bridgemgr $this->boardurl = $BRIDGE['full_forum_url']; require_once($BRIDGE['relative_path_to_config_file'] . 'config.php'); $this->use_post_based_groups = $BRIDGE['use_post_based_groups']; } $this->multigroups = 0; $this->group_overrride = 0; // Database connection settings $this->db = array( 'name' => $config['database'], 'host' => $config['hostname'], 'user' => $config['username'], 'password' => $config['password'], 'prefix' =>$config['table_prefix'] ); // Board table names $this->table = array( 'users' => 'users', 'groups' => 'usergroups', ); // Derived full table names $this->usertable = '`' . $this->db['name'] . '`.' . $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['users']; $this->groupstable = '`' . $this->db['name'] . '`.' . $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['groups']; // Table field names $this->field = array( 'username' => 'username', // name of 'username' field in users table 'user_id' => 'uid', // name of 'id' field in users table 'password' => 'password', // name of 'password' field in users table 'email' => 'email', // name of 'email' field in users table 'regdate' => 'regdate', // name of 'registered' field in users table 'location' => "''", // name of 'location' field in users table 'website' => 'website', // name of 'website' field in users table 'usertbl_group_id' => 'usergroup', // name of 'group id' field in users table 'grouptbl_group_id' => 'gid', // name of 'group id' field in groups table 'grouptbl_group_name' => 'title' // name of 'group name' field in groups table ); // Pages to redirect to $this->page = array( 'register' => '/member.php?action=register', 'editusers' => '/memberlist.php', 'edituserprofile' => "/member.php?action=profile&uid=" ); // Group ids $this->admingroups = array(4); $this->guestgroup = $this->use_post_based_groups ? 101 : 3; // Cookie settings - used in following functions only $this->cookie_name = 'mybb'; // Connect to db $this->connect(); } // definition of how to extract id, name, group from a session cookie function session_extraction() { return false; // unused } // definition of how to extract an id and password hash from a cookie function cookie_extraction() { $id = 0; $pass_hash = ''; if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name])){ $id = $_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name]['uid']; $pass_hash = $_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name]['password']; } return ($id) ? array($id, $pass_hash) : false; } // definition of actions required to convert a password from user database form to cookie form function udb_hash_db($password) { return $password; } // Login function login_page() { $this->redirect('/member.php?action=login'); } // Logout function logout_page() { $this->redirect('/member.php?action=logout'); } function view_users() { if (!$this->use_post_based_groups) $this->redirect($this->page['editusers']); } function get_users($options = array()) { global $CONFIG; // Copy UDB fields and config variables (just to make it easier to read) $f =& $this->field; $C =& $CONFIG; // Sort codes $sort_codes = array('name_a' => 'user_name ASC', 'name_d' => 'user_name DESC', 'group_a' => 'group_name ASC', 'group_d' => 'group_name DESC', 'reg_a' => 'user_regdate ASC', 'reg_d' => 'user_regdate DESC', 'pic_a' => 'pic_count ASC', 'pic_d' => 'pic_count DESC', 'disku_a' => 'disk_usage ASC', 'disku_d' => 'disk_usage DESC', 'lv_a' => 'user_lastvisit ASC', 'lv_d' => 'user_lastvisit DESC', ); // Fix the group id, if bridging is enabled if ($CONFIG['bridge_enable']) { $f['usertbl_group_id'] .= '+100'; } // Build WHERE clause, if this is a username search if ($options['search']) { $options['search'] = 'AND u.'.$f['username'].' LIKE "'.$options['search'].'" '; } // Build SQL table, should work with all bridges $sql = "SELECT {$f['user_id']} as user_id, {$f['username']} as user_name, {$f['email']} as user_email, {$f['regdate']} as user_regdate, lastvisit as user_lastvisit, '' as user_active, ". "COUNT(pid) as pic_count, ROUND(SUM(total_filesize)/1024) as disk_usage, group_name, group_quota ". "FROM {$this->usertable} AS u ". "INNER JOIN {$C['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} AS g ON u.{$f['usertbl_group_id']} = g.group_id ". "LEFT JOIN {$C['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p ON p.owner_id = u.{$f['user_id']} WHERE 1 ". $options['search']. "GROUP BY user_id " . "ORDER BY " . $sort_codes[$options['sort']] . " ". "LIMIT {$options['lower_limit']}, {$options['users_per_page']};"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); // If no records, return empty value if (!$result) { return array(); } // Extract user list to an array while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $userlist[] = $user; } return $userlist; } function view_profile($uid) { } } // and go ! $cpg_udb = new cpg_udb; ?>