Fairbanks, AK  99701
907-456-CROP (2767)

Register by December 1st to get a ticket for the December Crop Prize drawing. 
One ticket for each day you are registered.  Drawing held Saturday at noon.
If you are not present you will be notified by email.

{First Friday Crop}
Friday, December 7th:  5:00 - 12:00am
Cost:  $10.00

Pre register on line by December 4th and your dinner is included
and you will be put into the monthly prize drawing
for each day you are attending!

Bring your own projects to work on and enjoy the company!

It is a very informal get together the 1st Friday night of each month.
Bring your friends (or come make new ones) and have some fun.
If you plan on coming to the Saturday After Crop, you are welcome
to leave your supplies overnight.


{Saturday After Crop}
Saturday, December 8th: 10:00-7
Cost: $10.00

Again, a very casual no frills crop. 
Let's get some pages/projects cranked out.

Your registration fee for Saturday always includes some free goodies
(page layouts, cards, tags, mini project, etc)

Lunch is on your own - we can order in or run to get something
or eat any leftovers from Friday night ;)


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   Back Porch Memories Scrapbook Kit Club ~ Fairbanks, Alaska